Cottage-Fried Potatoes

We had breakfast for dinner last night and yum - it was good! A friend of mine shared this recipe with me so I'm going to pass it on. It's not really breakfast, but it went really good with pancakes since I didn't have hash browns. It's not the healthiest of recipes, but it's a lot better than french fries and it satisfies that french fry craving. 

Cottage-Fried Potatoes

*Note: For this recipe we usually leave the peels on the potatoes, but you can peel them if you’d like!

3 medium sized potatoes, chopped in small pieces (about 2 cups)
3 medium sized onions, chopped in small pieces (about 2 cups)
1 large turnip, chopped in small pieces (optional)
2-3 Tbsp. canola or olive oil
Salt & pepper

Heat oil in a large frying pan on medium high heat. Add potatoes, onions, and turnips to the pan and cook. With a spatula, turn potato/turnip/onion mixture every few minutes to ensure that they don’t burn to the bottom of the pan. Continue cooking until potatoes are soft and slightly crispy and onions are caramelized. It usually takes about 30-40 minutes, depending on how done you like it. Season with salt and pepper. Serve immediately or reheat later.

*We like to eat this dish for dinner as part of “Breakfast for dinner night” or as a side to hamburgers or sliders.

Recipe Source: adapted from


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