A Choice Environment

There is a new book out about how we make choices, The Art of Choosing by Sheena Iyengar. In her Voices of the Family interview, she discusses sex/gender differences and states "women have different choice environments than men" in that they have more social implications put upon them (and accepted by them) for their choices ("This blouse or that one?") and usually consider more variables when arriving at a decision. "I want" is answering the question easy or hard? Granted I want is a little different than I pick this or that. Here's sticky chart entitled "I want" from Dave Gray at Communication Nation - in his blog he has an interesting listing of 'wants' from a trainings he does.
In medicine, we ask people to make choices every day (and usually pretty quickly.) How can we best help others priorities and how can we motivate them to make their health a priority?Apparently, in Iyengar's book (haven't read it yet) she recommends focusing upon priorities and eliminating the extraneous. Easier said than done, I think! What are the implications of decisionmaking and anxiety?

BTW - Number of women with disability poll answer is 1 in 5!!


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