One Tiny Gland, One Big Problem - Prostate Health Part 2

Advanced Omega 3 Support

The prostate is considered to be the gate way into a male’s body via the sex organs and, as such, serves as the first line of defense to prevent long term damage by pathogens. With such an important function the necessity to maintain a healthy prostate becomes that much clearer. In order to facilitate great prostate health we must discuss the specific risk factors associated with poor prostate health so as to encourage a proper lifestyle.

Recurring prostate infections are a sure sign of potential long term problems in the future. Due to the routine life encounters of most men we tend to be exposed to environmental toxins and nutritional deficiencies that leave the prostate depleted and vulnerable. One of the most important minerals found in the prostate is zinc which is found in abundance in the fluid of the prostate gland. Zinc is well known for its anti-pathogen powers and is one of the most important nutrients to supplement for great prostate health forestalling recurring infections.

Animal fats, especially from non-organic sources, are a major vector for contamination and toxicity. The diet of the average American male is very high in animal fat from non-organic sources. These fats generally contain residual environmental toxins such as pesticides, herbicides and fungicides not to mention the excess hormones and antibiotics that find their way into the flesh and fats of the animal. In addition, cows and bulls (red meat) are feed grain diets instead of grass. Since bulls and cows are naturally vegetarian feeding them grains causes free radical production resulting in inflammatory responses. These inflammatory substances get trapped in the fats of the animal which we consume. These substances are either captured by cholesterol in our body or migrate to fatty tissues and organs, such as the prostate, where they do significant damage over time. Also, for some of the same reasons listed above, a high intake of dairy will produce the same risks to the prostate.

Individuals with a history of venereal diseases are also at risk of poor prostate health. Unmanaged, poorly managed or constant exposure to venereal diseases drains the resources of the body and more specifically the prostate gland. Steps should be taken to mitigate, correct or eliminate exposure to these diseases.

Finally, the use of testosterone, especially in the treatment for impotence, has been linked to an increased risk of prostate cancer. It is recommended that men use transdermal DHEA and androstenedione since these substances can be converted by the body into testosterone with fewer side effects.

If you find that you or someone you know fit into the above risk factor criteria or is currently suffering from prostatitis do not be dismayed. Nutritional and dietary therapies can prove extremely beneficial and will be discussed in the next article.

Advanced Omega 3 Support


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