Oriental Green Rice Salad

Joanna asked for this one. I made it and brought it to a dinner a few months ago. My husband, Brandon, told me the ingredients that would go well together and they did! It's really good for you too - especially if you use the chard! We grow the chard in our garden and we pick it when it's young and tender. It is really good as a spinach substitute in salads when picked that way. Another gluten free recipe for the gluten intolerant (other than the chow-mein noodles)!

Oriental Green Rice Salad
3-4 C. Swiss chard (or spinach), chopped fresh
1-1/4 C. brown rice, cooked and cooled (2- 3 C. cooked)
½-3/4 C. Chopped peanuts
¼ - ½ C. Green onions, chopped
1 15-oz. can mandarin oranges

Toss above ingredients together

2 Tbsp. soy sauce
2 tsp. canola oil
1 Tbsp. sesame seeds
2 Tbsp. lemon juice
4-5 tsp. brown sugar
1 clove garlic, minced

Mix dressing together in saucepan until thickens and cool. Toss with salad. Chill until serving. Just before serving, mix salad and then add topping.

½ - ¾ C. chow mien noodles


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