Big Fat Fiasco

What is good science and bad science? What is open minded and closed minded thinking? How do you recognize a cognitive bias toward long held views or beliefs when presented with better information and a fuller consideration? Are we willing to consider the possibility that certain claims are no longer valid? When it comes to our health and fitness, there are so many differing views, studies, research, explanations and scientific claims. It all seems so confusing. Have we been fed a load of bologna?

We've all heard, read and seen in the news the countless stories of an obesity epidemic in North America and people dying from heart disease. Everywhere I go now I am shocked at just how many people are so large! Not just large, but ginormous! Having been there once myself, it's now something I more conscious of. The film FAT HEAD reveals that nearly everything we've been told about obesity and healthy eating is wrong. Former health writer Tom Naughton serves up some startling facts in this no nonsense film. In the following YouTube segments of a speech by Tom Naughton, he explains the Big Fat Fiasco.

So get yourself comfortable and prepare to be stunned by what you're about to watch and learn as many of the myths of obesity and healthy eating are shredded like fat on a treadmill!

Big Fat Fiasco pt. 1

Big Fat Fiasco pt. 2

Big Fat Fiasco pt. 3

Big Fat Fiasco pt. 4

Big Fat Fiasco pt. 5

So I ask again, what is good science and what is bad science? What is open minded and closed minded thinking? How do you recognize a cognitive bias toward a pattern, long held views or beliefs when presented with better information and a fuller consideration? Are we willing to consider the possibility that certain claims are no longer valid?  Benjamin Franklin said it best, “For having lived long, I have experienced many instances of being obliged, by better information or fuller consideration, to change opinions, even on important subjects, which I once thought right but found to be otherwise.”

Films can have a strong and immediate impact, but there's no substitute for reading.  READ PEOPLE, PLEASE READ.  I hope you'll take the time to carefully read through the many posts I've included in my blog.  They contain a wealth of education that will hopefully inspire you to pursue a healthier lifestyle. 

It's never too late to start changing bad habits, habits that can shave years off your life and impact the quality of your life. So, if you want the straight dope on fueling your body with nutritious food and what to avoid, I'm here to help and it won't cost you a penny for the free advice based on my own experience and what has worked for me. I hope you'll follow my blog and provide me with some feedback on my posts. I'll be catering good choices that include both dietary and lifestyle changes. So if you could use a boost to your engine, buckle up for the ride of your life and let's get started!


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