Happy MATCH!!!

Congratulation WH Pathwayers (Maire, Edwina, Tikki, Orion, Caroline, Kristin, Neha, Nancy, Erin, Kelly and Jennifer) and Honorary Pathwayers (Chelsea, Luke) for your accomplishments today!! Missing in celebratory action from being captured on-camera - Orion, Kristin and Luke.
I wasn't fast enough on the shutter for Kristin and Luke. Orion (sporting his new look) we missed you upstairs! Congrats to all.
We are planning a post Match celebration during intersession. Stay tuned for details!

The slide show is suppose to link to more pictures - if it doesn't, check out the group I created for you Women's Health Pathway DUCOM Class of 2011 (oops typo!) at
Women's Health Pathway DUCOM


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