Using Holistic Medicine For Female & Male Infertility


I have had fertility issues for almost 2 years now. I want to explore a natural approach to my fertility before I use more invasive procedures. What I was wondering was if it was safe to use more than one natural herb at a time or will there be interactions. The medicines that I plan to use for myself are Chasteberry, Black Cohosh, and Siberian Ginseng. For my husband he plans to use Horny Goat Weed (which is supposed to promote potency and increase sperm production) and Gotu Cola (which is supposed to promote motility).

I have asked the sales people if these herbs are safe to use together but have never gotten clear answers. I have researched the herbs and they are supposed to be effective and like I said, I want to be as holistic as possible.
M. from the U.S.


Hello M. from the U.S.,

I'm afraid I cannot answer this question for you as I am a traditional medicine Physician. I would recommend that you direct your question to a naturopath practitioner or herbal pharmacist. If this remedy works, please let me know. We are always looking for ways to increase pregnancy rates in our patients.

I have blogged in the past regarding improving sperm motility/morphology with supplements such as ProXeed. One ingredient in this blend, Coenzyme Q, has been shown to have a positive effect on sperm health and two other ingredients, L-Carnitine & Acetyl-L-carnitine, have been shown to affect sperm motility. The downside is that your husband needs to be on this supplement for at least three months to see results. See this link for further information:

On this subject, I would caution my readers to beware of false claims. Remember, if any supplement is claiming to "cure" infertility and is not backed or proven by clear clinical trials, then the claims can be considered as false. A recent undercover probe (2010) by the GAO (Government Accountability Office) found fraudulent claims for cures abound on the internet. On a recent MSNBC report it was said: "that investigators...found that labels for some supplements claim to prevent or cure ailments like diabetes or heart disease — a clear violation of U.S. law." See this link:

Good Luck,

Edward J. Ramirez, M.D., FACOG
Executive Medical Director
The Fertility and Gynecology Center
Monterey Bay IVF Program
Monterey, California, U.S.A.


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