The Addictive Nature of Artificial Sweeteners

The topic of addiction was lightly touched on in a previous post but this topic deserves a few more words. The very real and destructive nature of aspartame and it's fellow artificial brethren is only exacerbated by its addictive nature. Research conducted by Dr. H.J. Roberts while a practicing physician at St. Mary's Hospital and The Good Samaritan Hospital in West Palm Beach, Fl. reveals a disturbing fact: Aspartame consumption can lead to addiction.

Dr. Roberts' research found that approximately 6% of his aspartame study group exhibited signs a clinical addiction. These persons found it near impossible or difficult to discontinue use of aspartame due to severe withdrawals. These withdrawal symptoms would include severe irritability, tension, depression, tremors, nausea, sweating, etc. These symptoms were described as being prolonged and sometimes violent. Some people have described the withdrawals as worse than ones experienced when trying to avoid alcohol. In most every case the symptoms went away almost immediately upon resuming consumption of aspartame.

The main mechanism that facilitates addiction as it relates to aspartame has to do with the methanol found in it. For people with addictive personalities the consumption of methanol is simply devastating but aspartame's addictive nature potentially extends to anyone who consumes it.

There are plenty of articles and research to be had on the topic of addiction to aspartame and other artificial sweeteners that can shed more extensive light on the subject. However, for the time being it would be best to think of aspartame as toxic waste that bloats (fatten) the body, increases the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease and addicts the brain to keep you coming back for more even if you don't want to. Whats worst is that all of these things have been well known since before final FDA approval of aspartame and saccharin. If you consume aspartame or any other artificial sweetener in any way (and chances are you do unless you read labels) then by all means free yourself from the millstone around your neck lest you perish in the aspartame sea.


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