The U.S. Open Arrives In Monterey...

Just wanted to welcome golf's U.S. Open to our area. For those of you who don't know where I am, I am in Monterey, California where the U.S. Open is being played this week at Pebble Beach Lodge and Golf resort. My office is 15 minutes away. Not only is this area a golf mecca, but it is a secluded travel location where many of the wealthy and celebrity come to get away. We are next door to Pebble Beach, Carmel, Monterey and Big Sur.

For patients it is a relaxing, peaceful, private and tranquil setting, more conducive to avert the stresses of infertility treatments. As you watch the U.S. Open this week, and think, "boy what a beautiful place", I hope that you'll think of us, and one day plan to come visit us and our beautiful location. I will even treat you to a round of golf at our nearby Laguna Seca Golf Ranch!


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