Product Review: Colonix Advanced Internal Cleansing Program

Whenever one embarks on transforming or maintaining their health restoring proper colon function is key. The colon is the chief elimination point for waste and harmful pathogens. A clogged or sluggish colon prevents proper absorption of vital nutrients and impairs the immune system. Both of these conditions causes overall bodily "breakdowns" as toxins build slowly and overwhelm the body over time. With all of this in mind I diligently searched for a colon cleansing program. I was nearly overwhelmed by all of the information that exists. Finally, I settled on one and was very pleased in the end (no pun intended) that I went with the Colonix program. The Colonix Advanced Internal Cleansing Program panned out to be gold for my overall health and intestinal well being. I will relay to you some pertinent facts and experiences over the course of this review that I hope will be helpful.


The Colonix Cleansing program consist of three components: Colonix Fiber, Paranil Capsules and KleriTea. Each component has a unique function and combine well together to get the job done. The fiber is an impressive combination of plant based ingredients designed to supplement the average American diet which lacks adequate fiber. Without enough dietary fiber we become constipated, malnourished and overcome by toxic build-ups. The KleriTea is herbal based without any harsh chemicals. It is designed to maximize the bodies ability to collect and move waste through the colon. The tea is also tasty and soothing with its chamomile, cinnamon and peppermint ingredients. The Paranil capsules serve multiple purposes. The first is as support for colon cleansing. The second is as a liver cleanser. The all natural herbal and plant based ingredients help cleanse and strengthen the liver.

Ease of Use

What appeared to me at first glance to be a cramp on my daily schedule turned out to be fairly simple and easy to adjust to. That usually happens when you get used to anything new. After a few days it was a matter of routine. That routine consisted of the following: Drinking the KleriTea in the evening, taking the Paranil capsules in the morning on an empty stomach, and taking one scoop of the Colonix fiber sometime during the day. You may be thinking doing these three things over the course of your day is not complicated and I would have to agree with you. The thing to be considered is when to take the fiber because timing is everything. The fiber in conjunction with the other components of the program is very effective. When the urge to have a bowel movement is first sensed you have about 30 minutes to 1 hour to relieve yourself. If you're like me and don't like going "#2" in public restrooms then you will need to time when to take the fiber because it will make you as regular as a clock. Each person is different so I can only give you my example to go by but you will need to test this to see it works for you. I found that if I took the fiber in the late afternoon to early evening I would be ready for my daily Opus Magnum around 6:30 am the next morning which works great for me. If you do the math you will see this is around a 10-12 hour turnaround so 10-12 hours may be a good place for you to start. I recommend, as does the manufacturer, that you begin on a Wednesday or Thursday so that any adjustments you find necessary can be done over the weekend in response to your bodily needs. Nothing in this section should be construed in any way as a negative. Once I had my schedule in hand I was very pleased with the clock work efficiency I could count on. I was never surprised and was not subject to events from out of the blue that put me in awkward situations.


When I began this cleanse I was fairly open mined but I had a few doubts. My skepticism stemmed from having read the testimonials and seeing the pictures. Could it really work as well as documented by the people on the website? Seeing is, without a doubt, believing! First, the KleriTea is designed to cause your abdominal muscles to contract gently overnight. These contractions causes fecal matter to move gently towards the goal. I can say without doubt that the tea works great and taste good, too. Care must be taken not to steep the tea to long because this could lead to cramps. Just follow the directions and you will be fine. Also, this program is not intended for pregnant women because the tea does cause contractions. Second, the fiber is robust. Mix well and chug away. I personally use chocolate soy milk because the fiber tends to blend well with it. In a very short time (initially 2-3 days and then daily thereafter) you will begin to feel lighter and more energetic as the movements pass with ease. Your time in the bathroom will become effortless and quick. You may also notice the need to use less toilet tissue as your eliminations become more and more "clean". My experience was not unlike what was portrayed in the testimonials. I always considered myself a regular guy when it came to bowel movements but I was in for a surprise. I began eliminating completely. It turns out I didn't know how a complete elimination felt but I most definitely do now. In addition, the Colonix fiber combines insoluble fiber (fiber that helps scrub the colon and eliminate waste) and soluble fiber (fiber that enters the bloodstream and removes some excess materials like cholesterol). You really give your body the proper one, two punch it needs to rid the body of toxins and waste.

I have no direct financial ties to this product, the manufacturers or its affiliates. I offer this positive review because I have experienced positive results. I originally did the 3 month program and now I do an annual cleanse for one month. I also take the fiber alone daily throughout the year to supplement my dietary fiber intake. To say the least I enjoy this product and it does what it says. If a good cleansing is what you are in need of give the Colonix Advanced Internal Cleansing Program a try. Feel free to email me for additional tips or questions.

Yours sincerely in good health,



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