The 21 Day "Empty Calorie" Fast

Superb nutritional support with powerful all natural anti-oxidants

If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter (@thoughthealth) you are likely aware of the 21 day "empty calorie" fast challenge. For those of you who are not aware here is my Facebook note that gives a brief overview:

"For 21 days we will abstain from consuming any and all empty calories. Sweetened beverages (i.e. soda, sweet tea, lemonade, etc.) and desserts (potato chips, cakes, cookies, ice cream, etc.). Also included would be anything artificially sweetened. Give your body a break from inflammation and rejuvenate your immune system. If you must have something sweet fresh fruit is acceptable." A few advantages of participating may be:

- allergy abatement
- inflammation relief
- deactivate continuous immune system response
- insulin burden relief
- support weight loss or maintenance through calorie reduction
- relieve mineral loss

This 21 day fast is not a gimmick. The purpose of the fast is many fold as suggested by the Facebook note. In addition to the reasons given in the noted highlights I would like to demonstrate through this fast how easy it is to consume foods and other things on the daily basis that only contribute to acidosis and weight gain without providing any nourishment to the body.

In the midst of this fast some people will figure out quickly how out of control we are as it relates to food. This brings me to why the fast is 21 days for there are several reasons. First, psychologically it is said it takes 21 days to break a habit. It is not the intention of the fast to keep you completely away from empty calories forever. Indeed, I only wish to bring into your awareness more often what it is you are consuming. Second, 21 days is enough time to show either weight loss or inches lost as the body basks in the glow of a break from the metabolic nightmare that is our current diet. Third, the liver gets a chance to take a breather which increases metabolism and the ability to cleanse the blood of toxins leading to better health.

In regard to artificial sweeteners it is a goal of this fast to give the liver a break. Artificial sweeteners taxes the liver giving no rest to the weary (liver). There are other issues to contend with to numerous to cover in this post but please refer to my artificial sweetener blog posts. They will tell you how artificial sweeteners actually lead to weight gain.

Naturally I cannot promise anyone that they will lose weight/inches or that your metabolism will increase. What I can tell you is that your weight and metabolism will not get better if you do not start somewhere. Underlying medical issues may prevent seeing physical benefits but internally things will either improve or stop declining. Ultimately the goal is to prove to yourself that you are in control of you and to stop the unnecessary downward health trend.

Contact me at, on twitter @thoughthealth, on Facebook (search my name Derrell Jones) or Skype derrelljones1

Much Love to everyone and let’s Take Back Our Life!!!!

Superb nutritional support with powerful all natural anti-oxidants


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