Milk: Another White Lie Part II

IGF, or insulin-like growth factor, is a hormone that occurs in the human body naturally. As its name implies it assist with growth and is found in large quantites in children. By adulthood IGF is nearly non-existent because growth is done.

IGF-1 is found in cow's milk and is intended to assist baby cows in their growth and developement. Adding to already high levels of IGF-1 todays milk practices increases those levels through the use of rBGH (recombinate bovine growth hormone). Increased rBGH use has exposed more people to increased the amount of IGF-1 consumed.

Why is IGF-1 consumption such an important issue? As previously mentioned IGF helps things grow. All sorts of things in fact. Unfortunately for humans some of the things excess IGF can help grow are cancerous and non-cancerous tumors. Research has shown how moderate IGF-1 level increases can cause adverse health conditions. For example, men with an 8% increase in circulating IGF-1 were seven times more likely to develope prostate cancer. Women who had increased IGF-1 levels also had increased incidences of breast cancer. In fact a study conducted in China found that women in the top 25% of IGF-1 levels as compared to other women had a 2-3 times greater occurrence of breast cancer. A similar study conducted in England on men found a similar correlation. Those men in the top 25% were 3 times more likely to develope prostate cancer.

Are you wondering why cancer correlations deal specifically with breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men? IGF-1 is produced in abundance in the young especially during puberty. During puberty one of it's key functions it's to simulate the growth of breast tissue in girls and prostate growth in boys. After puberty IGF-1 production falls off to very modest levels having done that bulk of it's work. We, as humans, can increase our circulating IGF-1 levels threw consuming dairy products but for some it will be at our own cancer causing risk.

The next post will address the issue of lactose intolerance and other milk allergies.


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