Making your own Tomato Sauce (from dried Tomato Powder)

Last year I posted about my new discovery about making dried tomato powder from blending up tomatoes and dehydrating. This is one of my best gardening secrets that I wish I would have known about seven years ago, when we started gardening. It makes preserving your harvest so much easier!

Today I'm going to share the recipe for using this tomato powder in place of an 8-oz. can of tomato sauce. It's really easy and I'm thrilled that I no longer have to buy cans of tomato sauce - I can just use this sauce that I make from my own tomatoes. There is a slight change in taste from the canned variety, but I think it's an improvement! It's healthier because I know exactly what's in it and cheaper because I'm using what I grow instead of buying from the store. I hope you enjoy it too!

Tomato Sauce

*makes 8-oz.

*Note: This recipe for 8-oz. of tomato sauce works great if you already have a recipe that you use tomato sauce in that you love!

¼ Cup + 2 Tbsp. Tomato Powder
1/8 tsp. salt
¼ tsp. onion powder
¼ tsp. garlic powder
¾ Cup + 2 Tbsp. water

Heat water until almost boiling. In a small bowl combine the tomato powder, salt, onion powder and garlic powder. Pour hot water over powder mixture and stir until thoroughly dissolved. Use in place of an 8-oz. can of tomato sauce in any recipe.

Recipe Source:
My experimental test area to get this recipe just right!
To make it even easier, here's a bulk tomato sauce powder recipe that you can just add boiling water to re-hydrate:

Tomato Sauce Powder

*Makes 12 8-oz. servings when re-hydrated

4-1/2 Cups Tomato Powder
1-1/2 tsp. salt
3 tsp. onion powder
3 tsp. garlic powder

In a large container that seals, combine the tomato powder, salt, onion powder and garlic powder. Mix well. Store in a cool and dry place for up to one year.

To Re-hydrate:
Tomato Sauce {from Tomato Sauce Powder}

*Makes 8-oz.

1/4 Cup + 2 Tbsp. Tomato Sauce Powder
¾ Cup + 2 Tbsp. water

Heat water to boiling. In a medium bowl, pour hot water over tomato sauce powder and stir until thoroughly dissolved. Use in place of an 8-oz. can of tomato sauce in any recipe.

Recipe Source:

Linked to: Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways


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