Can Scar Tissue Affect Fertility?

I have never been pregnant or on birth control pills or had surgery but I have scar tissue so bad they can't see my reproductive system. Will I ever be able to conceive? Is this fixable?

Hello Sarah from Canada,
I am not sure how your diagnosis was made without having had surgery. Scar tissue is usually only diagnosed by a surgery called a laparoscopy.

But, assuming you have scar tissue, and it is bad, this could be caused from a previous pelvic infection, called PID, due to bacteria that ascends through the vagina, cervix and uterus, or it could be caused from a disease called endometriosis that causes severe inflammation of the pelvis. In either case, severe scar tissue is caused in the pelvis and obstructs the egg's ability to reach the Fallopian tube.

In some cases of pelvic scar tissue (adhesions), surgery can be performed to try to reduce the scar tissue, but this doesn't always work because scar tissue can form as a result of the surgery as well. The best option would be to do IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) whereby the eggs are removed directly from the ovaries and the pelvis is bypassed completely. The chances of pregnancy are age dependent but are very good and can be as high as 63% per attempt.

You don't need to worry about never getting pregnant. The technology has advanced quite a bit and we can get almost anyone pregnant. The only consideration is what has to be done to get you pregnant, and what you are willing to do to get pregnant.


Edward J. Ramirez, M.D., FACOG
Executive Medical Director
The Fertility and Gynecology Center
Monterey Bay IVF Program

Monterey, California, U.S.A.

for additional information check me out on Facebook and Twitter with me at @montereybayivf


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