Frugal Friday: Gratitude

Today I want to talk about Gratitude. You may be wondering what gratitude has to do with being frugal, but hopefully I can explain with this picture:

It does, doesn't it? Being grateful means counting the blessings that already surround us instead of counting the multitudes of things we don't have. I love this quote by Sarah Ban Breathnach:
"All we have is all we need. All we need is the awareness of how blessed we really are."
So lets focus ourselves and our family's on counting those blessings that we have. When we start to realize how much we truly have, it will help temper the desire to accumulate more and more.

And this is a perfect month for it - the month of Thanksgiving. Here are a few ideas that I love for helping your family share what they are grateful for this month:
  1. Start listing out things you are grateful for and put them on the walls of your home. Maybe it's a thanksgiving tree like this one,
  2. Or a fat turkey with feathers like this one,
  3. Or a thankful chain like this one.
  4. Start a thankful journal or a blessing book.
  5. For thanksgiving set a plain tablecloth and have family members sign their names and what they are thankful for. You could make it a tradition and use the same cloth every year that you add to like this one.
What better way to kick off the holiday season than by focusing ourselves and our families on what we already have. And truly feeling grateful. Then when the glitter and sparkle of ads, commercials and toy catalogs induces us to spend, spend, spend and buy, buy, buy and get, get get this holiday season, maybe we'll remember what's really important. Maybe instead, we'll thank the Great Giver of all for what we already have: food on our tables, love in our hearts, and more than enough bounty than we really need.

What are you grateful for today? I'd love to hear your thoughts on gratitude or anything else you want to share. I hope you have a Happy Frugal Friday and a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Linked to: Frugal Friday, Hearts 4 Home, Thrifty Thursday, Finer Things Friday, Frugal Tuesday, Mommy Club


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