A New Year for Evolving Direction

There may be a handful of folks wondering about this blog and the direction in which the blog is headed. As time passes a realization has taken root that has required me to evolve which means this blog must evolve as well. Everyday brings more slanted news and boldly two-faced agendas touted as being good for us with no actual affection for our well being. What passes for news, debate, and benevolent agendas these days is seldom for our good but it is partly our fault. We fail to recognize what is being done to us because public discourse is all but nil and so-called debates are nothing more than a few shrill voices making nonsensical statements and then resort to name calling when someone points out they are not making sense (e.g. conspiracy theorist, nut job, etc.). When we see this (and we do on the daily basis) we often choose to not think about and/or think through what we are hearing is actually good for us. Thinking has officially been replaced by slogans touted by people who could not care less is we live prosperous, healthy lives as long as we keep handing over what little wealth and health we have left. So from this day forward the Thoughtful Health blog will continue to incorporate issues dealing with our overall well-being to include health and food awareness in addition to challenging current ways of thinking and how we live our lives. My hope is to provide challenging and thought provoking insights so that we may begin to engage each other in a meaningful and positive way to better our lives because we seriously cannot leave it up to the people so many are trusting today for guidance and leadership. More to come!!!

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