A Healthy Liver Equals a Healthy You!

Did you know that among many other very important assignments the liver is the chief organ responsible for blood cleansing and metabolism? Once the liver becomes diseased or all together unhealthy you become unhealthy in general. Should your liver become fatty because of prescription medication use or from eating  insanely processed foods your metabolism slows down. The slower your metabolism the more you begin to weigh. A malfunctioning liver, sedentary lifestyle and poor diet is a disastrous recipe for poor health.

Let us endeavor, therefore, to cleanse our livers has we begin to adjust our way of eating if you have not done so already. Here is a list of ingredients and instructions for the liver cleanse:

  • Lemons or Limes
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Olive Oil

- Squeeze one cup of fresh citrus juice (lemon and/or lime, grapefruit juice can be blended to help with taste). Mix the juice of 1-2 cloves of garlic and raw ginger juice into the citrus juice. Add one tablespoon of high quality organic olive oil. A small amount of spring water can be added but the more sour the mix the more helpful it will be for your liver. Do not eat for one hour after taking the cleanse. Once the hour has elapsed consume one cup of organic Polari tea or any other organic lever detoxifying tea. Do this for 10 days followed by 3 days off and then another 10 days for two cycles (will total 20 days of cleansing total). After that do this cleanse twice a year once in the spring and once in the fall.

How to make it:  Squeeze enough juice from grapefruit and lemons to produce at least a cup (8 oz). I took two cloves of garlic (skinned) and about 2 inches of ginger and put it in a blender with approximately 3 oz. of water. I blended the garlic, ginger and water as finely as possible and then strained the juice through cheese cloth. 

Place two layers of cheese cloth in the bottom of a bowl and pour the contents of the blender over it. The cloth will trap the solid pieces leaving the juice behind. When you remove the cloth squeeze the solids through the cloth for additional juice. 

Now mix the juice from the citrus with the juice from the garlic and ginger. You should have between 12-16 oz. of juice total. Take 3-4 oz. a day per the instructions. Refrigerate the leftover juice.

Superb Liver Support Through Herbal Cleansing

I began this cleanse on Monday 1/28/13 and would like to share with you some of my experiences thus far.

Day 1: I was truly overwhelmed by the extreme taste of this concoction. The lemon and grapefruit juices were very acidic as you can imagine I'm sure. The juice from the garlic and ginger caught me a bit off guard with the heat they produced on the way down. One thing is for sure: any bacteria, germs or viruses in the path of this juice were obliterated instantly! I made what I think is a wise decision by cutting it with a little water. Once I ingested the juice a sure sign of increased metabolism begin to set in. Perspiration dotted my ample brow and I felt a surge of great energy. About 45 minutes later I consumed the tea and found it to be both pleasant and soothing.

Day 2: My wife joined me on this day and we partook together. Today was definitely easier than yesterday as I was already prepared for the strong flavors of grapefruit and lemon. I didn't cut it with water this time. I simply took a deep breath and gulped it. Afterwards I followed it with about 6 oz. of water. Once again I could feel the heat but it didn't seem as intense this time. Day 2 is in the books with 8 days to go in the first round of the cleanse.

Day 3: Wouldn't you know it. I already got the hang of this! I blended the batch and mixed in the olive oil afterwards as usual and downed it like a champ! Rhonda tried to to leave a little bit in the glass but she went ahead finished it off after I spotted her 'unintentional' oversight (emphasis mine). No short cuts here, sweetie!

Day 4: Doing the grab and gulp is working like a charm and that heat just keeps on coming. Not only does this combination juice boost metabolism but it also invigorates. Today's workout, which came post juice, was met with more energy than usual. I'm sure my liver and kidneys are quietly thanking me for a good cleansing!

Day 5: By now it is nothing to consume the juice. In fact it is becoming more and more pleasant. One thing for sure is that eating a short time before drinking the juice does mitigate the heat felt. Every other time I drank the juice I most felt the heat because I hadn't eaten prior to consuming the juice. I'm sure this slowed the assimilation of the juice considerably. I recommend not taking the juice within an hour or two of consuming a large meal.

I will discontinue logging my consumption daily at this point. This cleanse requires a little time and energy to mix the necessary ingredients but the mission is a worthwhile one. I will check back with you and the end of day 10 which will be the culmination of the first of two rounds the cleanse. May we all advance in great health!!!!


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