Government Health Betrayal in the Name of Corporate Profit: The GMO Assault Continues

A landmark piece of legislation was signed into law recently by President Obama that sacrifices the health and prosperity of our nation but guarantees corporate protection. This law protects biotech giants such as Monsanto and DuPont in the event that it is ever 'proven' that genetically modified organisms (GMO's) do cause harm to the environment and human health. The word 'proven' appears in quotes because overwhelming evidence already exist that demonstrates GMO's are extremely harmful to both the environment and potentially to humans.

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The Horrors of GMO's

The legislation not-so-affectionately known as the Monsanto Protection Act basically guarantees that no biotech company can be sued or otherwise held liable in a court of law for potential damage(s) that they and their products may cause. Several questions come to mind like "Why does an industry need to be protected from liability in regards to a product they currently produce for public consumption?" or "Why does our extremely duplicitous government allow any entity to endanger the lives of its citizenry and the food supply without prejudice"?  Money flowing into the pockets of politicians and Super PACs can answer a fair amount of the questions. This is an important point to consider because we are often confronted with the "reality" that corporations run the show but this is not true and therefore cannot be reality. We, together, run the show but too often we allow our so-called elected officials to pander to the corporations in order to fund their campaigns and enrich themselves. This is just one of the horrors of GMO's: contributing to the further delinquency of our politicians to our detriment. Below are three additional areas governed by the horrors of GMO's

Health: Genetic modifications are carried out in various ways using a multitude of genetic material from many sources. Some of the sources of the genetic material can be from mosquitoes, fish, primate organ tissue (e.g. monkeys) and so on. What is not known because there have been no long term studies is how the genetic material from other species affects human biology. Studies on lab rats being fed a steady diet of GMO products died prematurely and presented with multiple tumors and lesions in addition to a host of other health problems. One unintended consequence that has not been advertised is the issue of Morgellons disease and it appears that GMO's are at the source of this devastating condition. What other medical mysteries await us?

In addition, many of the GMO crops produce their own pesticides. It has been promised that there are no residual pesticides to be found at the time of consumption but it is a curious thing to ponder where the pesticide goes. It is produced from the inside and the crops do not undergo any processes that would extract the poisons from the crop. Perhaps we should take the industry at their word...on second thought that may not be a good idea. One thing is for sure and that is the fact that if our food produces toxins to kill pest then they, over a period of time, can certainly cause us great harm or worse.

Environmental: As previously stated GMO crops produce their own pesticides and with nature being what it is the pest have adjusted. What this means is stronger and stronger pesticides must be developed and used to combat the resiliency of nature. While this biological arms race continues to unfold our world, our food and our water become more and more polluted.

And then there is the issue of cross-pollination. From an environmental stand point it is more like cross-contamination. Consider the nature of a genetically modified substance. They are designed to express dominance. If it could not it would not succeed as a crop. Once pollination occurs the genetic dominance of the GMO threatens to eliminate hybridization of crops which would be an ecological and environmental disaster. Hybridization is a fancy way of saying diversity and it is diversity that ensures the survival of any species whether it be plant, animal or human. Also, once the patented genes from a GMO pollinates a neighboring farm that farmer is now compelled, legally, to pay the biotech companies for using their technology even though they had no intention to use it. Farmers in America have been losing their farms or have been sued by the likes of Monsanto based on how the wind was blowing when pollination was occurring.

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Financial: One of the most horrific aspects of GMO's is the financial burden that is created by planting them. Some, if not all, GMO crops are cultivated with what is known as terminator seeds. These seeds will produce plants that will be sterile. In other words, a farmer will be unable to save seeds from their current crop for next seasons planting. Ultimately this creates a seed monopoly and the farmer is forced to pay for seeds every planting season which is a cost that most farmers have never incurred in the cultivating history of mankind. Needless to say if you control the seeds you control the farmer and the food supply. These circumstances have been realized in the United States but has not been felt yet to the extent that it has occurred in India. Thousands of Indian farmers have had their farms taken from them because of an inability to pay biotech companies what they owe for seeds or because of the other financial disaster that befalls farmers using GMO seeds: crop failures.

Massive crop failures especially in India and South Africa, in addition to other places, have been a silent plague on the world farming community. This plague is considered silent because looking at the mainstream news would give you no indication of how devastating the problem is. There is no coverage of the farmers in India committing suicide by the thousands over the past few years because of the combination of crop failures and annual seed purchases leaving them penniless and unable to pay their debts or take care of their families.


When governments are formed their primary function is for the protection of the citizens it serves. Although this is Civics 101 it has become a laughable notion because of just how far governments have strayed from this honorable premise. Have no doubts fellow citizens we have been betrayed. And please do not allow yourself to be fooled that one political party or another is to blame because the truth is the government's decline to unmitigated debauchery does not rest on the shoulders of a particular party but on the shoulders of us all for allowing it. Now is the time to fight but instead of marching in the streets why not fight with the power of your purse in the stores and the power of word of mouth advertising that we will no longer accept being poisoned and betrayed anymore.

Powerful energy and weight management support through all natural, non-GMO vitamins, minerals and proteins


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