Frugal Friday: More than 100 Frugal Family Activities for CHRISTMAS!

I have some wonderful memories of wonderful Christmas times with my family growing up. But as a parent how do you create those? It's easy for family time to get lost in all the hustle and bustle of Christmas parties, Christmas shopping, and just day-to-day busyness. Are you making sure that you take some time to really enjoy this wonderful season with your family? Well, in case you need some help, today I'm sharing more than 100 frugal family activities for Christmas! 

  1. Decorate the Christmas Tree
  2. Build something out of snow - e.g. a snow man, or a snow animal
  3. Go Sledding
  4. Make homemade gifts for each other
  5. Donate some food to a local food bank
  6. Bake Christmas Treats
  7. Set up the nativity and play with the characters. We usually use a plastic nativity set that we have, but if you don't have one you can make one out of card stock. 
  8. Watch an old Christmas Movie
  9. Go on a night hike
  10. Make a homemade wreath
  11. Go visit Santa and take a picture
  12. Sing "Feliz Navidad" and have a Latin Christmas party!
  13. Make Christmas cards to give away
  14. Create a Christmas Board Game
  15. Go on a walk or drive to see the Christmas lights in the neighborhood
  16. Shovel a neighbor's walk
  17. Read a Christmas Story
  18. Doorbell ditch something on a neighbor's door
  19. Read the nativity story
  20. Write a Christmas poem
  21. Have a Bethlehem dinner
  22. Spend an evening playing board games
  23. Invent a new holiday tradition
  24. Build a snow fort
  25. Make and decorate a gingerbread house
  26. Make homemade Christmas ornaments
  27. Make a popcorn garland to hang on the tree
  28. Go caroling at a senior citizen or retirement home
  29. Make a paper chain to count down until Christmas
  30. Put together a puzzle
  31. Have a sleepover under the Christmas tree
  32. Go sledding
  33. Play this cute Gingerbread dice game
  34. Have a pillow fight
  35. Make Christmas cookies
  36. Use this secret service star idea to give service in your families
  37. Write letters to Santa and mail them
  38. Go window shopping and enjoy the holiday displays (just make sure you stay outside, or it won't be very frugal!)
  39. Make reindeer food to sprinkle on your lawn on Christmas eve
  40. Dress up in costumes and act out the nativity story (this was always our Christmas Eve tradition)
  41. Go to the library and check out some Christmas books to read
  42. Make some jingle bell shakers and sing jingle bells
  43. Pick a family to play the twelve days of Christmas to - make a gift and deliver it secretly on their door each day for 12 days before Christmas
  44. Have a hot chocolate party
  45. Make a Paper Christmas Train
  46. Instead of "Simon Says" play "Santa Says"
  47. Take your own family Christmas pictures
  48. Have a pajama party!
  49. Make snowflakes
  50. Make some snowballs and have an indoor snowball fight!
  51. Dress up as Christmas trees
  52. Play "I spy" with the Christmas tree ornaments on the tree- this game entertained us for hours when I was a kid!
  53. Sing Christmas Carols
  54. Make Christmas Fudge
  55. Hang Christmas lights in the kids room and leave them on for them while they are falling to sleep - I remember how magical this was to me as a child.
  56. Hide something in the house (we usually choose the baby Jesus from our nativity scene) and play hot and cold to find it. 
  57. Make red & green play dough
  58. Snap goofy camera shots behind a headless snowman.
  59. Count down to Christmas with this good deed jar
  60. Have a picnic in front of the Christmas tree
  61. Dance to some Christmas music
  62. Make a cardboard box house (out of a refrigerator box) and decorate it for Christmas
  63. Make Giant ice marbles to decorate outside
  64. Choose a Christmas tradition from another country to incorporate into your Christmas celebration this year
  65. Go exercise together. We need it! Especially with all the extra treats around...
  66. Leave a Christmas gift for your mail carrier
  67. Make blessing bags to give to those in need
  68. Do something nice for the person behind you in line at the store. 
  69. Frost sugar cookies
  70. Here's a cute idea to wrap up gifts under the tree for 12 activities to do during the Christmas season.
  71. Have an evening at home and sit around the fire (or a pretend one) and share your favorite Christmas memories
  72. Have a special Christmas plate that each child gets to take turns eating on for dinner.
  73. Make an advent Calendar and count down until Christmas.
  74. Make Rudolf Candy Canes or Christmas mice to hang on the tree
  75. Help the kids make gifts for their friends or grandparents.
  76. Make Salt Dough Ornaments
  77. At the beginning of December, each member of the family writes a gift to give Jesus during that Christmas season. The papers are put inside a box wrapped with gold paper and placed under the tree. The box is opened on Christmas and the gifts are read aloud.
  78. Make luminaries to line your sidewalk. This was a tradition that some of my family members have who live where it's still good weather during the holidays.
  79. Make hand print gifts from the kids. There are so many cute ones out there and the kids love to participate. Even the smallest kids can.
  80. Make marshmallow snowmen
  81. Print out Christmas coloring pages to color
  82. Make Baby Jesus Bread
  83. I love these activity ideas to make the Christmas season centered around Christ.
  84. Make a paper snowball launcher and have a snowball fight!
  85. Make tracks in the snow for someone to follow
  86. Make gifts for the neighbors
  87. Learn to sing Silent Night in German
  88. Make a wreath out of evergreen boughs
  89. Decorate Gingerbread cookies
  90. Draw names for secret Santa names. Put all your families names in a hat and each person draws. Each day during the Christmas season do something nice for your person in secret.
  91. Have an old fashioned evening using only candles for lights.
  92. Clean out the house and donate toys & stuff to charity.
  93. Make some homemade wrapping paper
  94. Have a picnic next to the Christmas tree
  95. Make snowflakes out of tortillas, spread with butter and a little cinnamon sugar and broil until crispy
  96. Make edible gifts for the birds
  97. Play name tune with Christmas music
  98. Have a Christmas Scavenger hunt
  99. Make some edible ornaments for the Christmas tree
  100. Have a hat contest to see who can make the best Christmas hat out of construction paper.
And if you still need even more ideas, here they are:

What about you? What does your family enjoy doing at Christmas time? Do you have any fun traditions that you want to start or have done in the past? Thanks for sharing and hope you have a wonderful holiday season!


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