Oat Bread Recipe

I went over to my Aunt's house today to make bread with her. She just bought the Compact Bosch mixer and I went to show her how to use it. We decided to make an oat bread because that is the kind she likes to buy. It was a lot of fun and the bread turned out delicious. I usually make whole-wheat bread because it's healthy and my family loves it, but I realize there are many different tastes. I also realize some people can't handle whole-wheat for one reason or another. This bread is light and very moist. It has a wonderful texture and sticks together very well for being over half oat flour (oat flour has no gluten in it). The other thing about this bread is that you don't need a grain mill to make it. For the oat flour we blended up oatmeal in a blender to make a fine mill (you can also grind oat groats if you have a grain mill). This recipe is a variation from my regular whole-wheat bread recipe. Enjoy!

Oat Bread
3 C. hot water, microwave on high 2-3 min or until quite warm

1/3 C. oil

1/3 C. sugar

1 Tbsp. salt (put in first before adding yeast)

3 C. freshly ground oatmeal or oat groats

2 Tbsp. yeast on top of oat flour
3 Tbsp. dough enhancer

Combine above ingredients in Bosch mixer with dough hook and mix. Add 2 to 3 cups white flour (we used 2 5/8 Cups) until the dough pulls away from the sides of the bowl. Then mix for an additional six minutes. Divide dough into 3 loaves (the dough will still be VERY sticky - so sticky that you won't be able to form your loaves without putting oil on your hands). Let rise until double or fills the bread pans. Bake 400 deg. for 5 min., 350 deg. for 25 min or until done.

Honey Oatmeal Bread on Foodista


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