Estrogen Dominance in Men and Women Part II

Reverse aging and rejuvenate the body

Estrogen dominance and hormone imbalances in general, have become an increasing chronic health issue. It is leading to increases in obesity and cancer rates. In order to reverse this trend we must learn how to decrease our exposure to xenoestrogens and xenohormones. Limiting exposure to food sources and personal care products that contain these chemical hormone mimickers is key.

Food Sources

The use of excess hormones in Livestock has proliferated over the past 50 years. Used to increase the size of cattle for their flesh and milk production, hormone use has led to big business. However, this increased business (and by business I mean profits) has been at our own demise. Contrary to industry assertions residual hormones find their way into the flesh and milk of the animals we consume. rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone) is a known hormone mimicker that not only causes bovines to grow but also causes humans to grow as well. rBGH interferes with the endocrine system and fools the body into thinking there is natural human estrogen in the body. Growth in girls is accelerated and the development of the sex organs in boys is stunted or otherwise compromised. Some European nations have an outright ban on the use of rBGH or any other hormone or growth accelerant. People from around the world are choosing more often to consume meat and dairy products that are either organic are all natural to avoid excess hormones. If consuming products that are labeled “all natural” please ensure no hormones are used or added since there is no legal definition to govern these products.

Personal Care Products

One aspect of estrogen consumption is not well known which could lead to devastating effects. Our personal care products is helping to fuel increases in worldwide obesity and cancer rates in addition to other negative health issues. Xenoestrogens or chemicals that look like estrogen to the body are plentiful and prolific in the products we use most often. What products, exactly? The soaps, lotion, shampoo and cosmetics (lipstick, blush, eye shadow, etc.) that line our cabinets. Chemicals like parabens and phthalates are used often and heavily in addition to many other chemicals like TEA, DEA, and PEG to name a few. These chemicals enter the bloodstream and are confused with natural hormones or otherwise cause our endocrine system to behave improperly or poorly. Almost all of the most popular brands use these endocrine damaging chemicals with no distinction between brands or price of the products. Some of the most expensive brands contain as much as or more endocrine system disrupting chemicals as the less expensive brands.

The next article posted will discuss in more detail how to avoid xenoestrogens and give practical advice on personal care products that do not contain them. If you cannot wait until then copy and paste the following link to have a look at non-toxic, non-xenoestrogen containing products:

Reverse aging and rejuvenate the body


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