More about Bread

I could talk about bread all day...and sometimes it seems like I do on this blog. I guess it's because it's probably the thing I make most often on a regular basis and I like to share what I've learned about it. So today I read this Deseret News Article where the author posted a friend's bread recipe. It's whole-wheat which immediately sparked my interest. It's actually a very similar recipe to the one I use all the time. It had milled flax seed as one of the ingredients so I decided to add it when I made bread today. I used 2 Tbsp of flax seed that I had ground in a blender (you're not supposed to grind flax seed in your regular grain mill because it has too much oil and could damage your mill). The bread turned out delicious with the same taste, but the texture was enhanced by the addition of the milled flax seed. Flax seed is also very healthy for you so I think I'll be including this into my recipe more often.


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