Parsley Pesto

So we have a lot of parsley growing in our yard. Maybe you noticed from the strawberry cage picture below. It's a perennial and very easy to grow - in fact in our yard it's taking over and we kind of think it's pretty so we let it. Anyway, we haven't been so good at using it because we just kind of forget it's out there and use it as a decoration instead of an edible. Well, the other day the kids were playing in it and my husband suggested we pick some to eat. My first thought was - what do you do with parsley? Then I remembered a recipe I had seen once upon a time for parsley pesto. I decided to give it a try the other night and it turned out pretty good. Parsley has kind of a parsley-flavor that's pretty strong so you have to get used to it. But this is a good recipe, especially with the parmesan cheese. Add a little grilled chicken breast and it's a wonderful meal!

Parsley Pesto
2 c. fresh parsley
1/3 c. olive oil
2 cloves garlic
1 tsp. each basil & oregano
1/2 c. walnuts
1/2 c. water
1/8 C. powdered milk

Mix together in blender & heat, if desired. Toss 1 pound cooked spaghetti-type noodles with 2 tablespoons butter, add pesto and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.


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