Applesauce Muffins

We made these the other day. I was looking for a recipe for applesauce muffins because I have some applesauce that I froze and I kinda need the freezer space being Christmas and all when people give you so many treats and you're too kind to throw them away, but can't possibly eat them all up or you'll gain 25 lbs...Yeah. Well anyway, Curious George comes up to me while I'm looking and says, "whatcha doing?" I told him I was looking for an applesauce muffin recipe and he says, "Why don't you just use the one that came in the friend last month." I'm thinking to myself, yeah right, would he really pay attention to a recipe enough to remember that? Well he goes and gets it and sure enough, there it was! Exactly what I needed so we whipped some up and they were GOOD!!

Here's the link if you want to try them. The only changes I made were to use half whole wheat and half wonder flour instead of white flour. Made them much better in my estimation (of course I never tried the originals so what am I saying? :) One other thing I would add would be to add some walnuts (or choco chips for a treat...) to give them a little texture. But if you're a textureless kind of eater, then you'll probably think they're perfect. They're close in my opinion, but I do like texture...Enjoy!


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