Pancakes with No-Sugar Pineapple Topping

I've been cooking up a storm lately, trying all kinds of new recipes. Most have been wonderful and I'm so excited to post them on this blog. Of course because I've spent so much time cooking (and gardening and recovering from our trip, etc, etc, etc), I haven't had time to post much...and so the balance of life continues.
But anyway, here's a great one for you to try for breakfast. The pancake recipe comes from my dear sister-in-law Lisa. I've been looking for a recipe for pancakes exactly like this one that she posted on her wonderful food blog. It really is as good as it looks - her picture is much better than mine so go look at it if you want an even more appetizing shot.

The no-sugar pineapple topping comes from the hillbilly housewife blog. I enjoy a lot of recipes from this blog. It's great and there's NO SUGAR!! Yeah! I've been trying to cut out sugar as much as I can so this is a good one!

There you have it - a perfect, healthy breakfast for your family. Enjoy!


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