Two Weeks Down, One to Go!

Two weeks into this 21 day "empty calorie" fast and I am amazed at what has taken place. The power of empty calories over our lives is even more evident now that I have (along with a few super troopers) undergone this unique challenge. It is extraordinary the grip that foods devoid of nutrients and filled with simple carbohydrates has on our lives. So much so that some people wouldn't even consider taking the challenge because they feel as if they cannot do without their sugary coffee, morning danish or nightly Oreo run. Now that we are down to one week left on this very important fast I have to ask at what cost do we do these things to ourselves? Do you enjoy sinus issues? Is the extra inch around your waistline worth it? Does high blood pressure and diabetes sound delicious? I don't want to preach but I see so much hurt and pain around from chronic illness and it makes me sad and sometimes angry. We must do better.

Personally my sweet tooth has to be tamed. And like many others I allow it to run free from time to time. However, for the past two weeks it has been in check and I can tell you how good it feels to wake up in the morning without sniffing and snorting because my nose and throat itches or the post nasal mucous is trying to gag me. Also, I have to take my belt in another notch to compensate for the extra room I now have because of a receding waistline. My goal for this fast was not to lose weight or clear up sinus issues (but I'll take it). The goal was simply to give my body a chance to do what it does best and it is the same chance I want you to give your bodies.

When we lay down at night it is usually because we are sleepy. That sleepiness is the body asking us for a chance. A chance to rejuvenate and repair itself. A chance to desperately restore balance. Chronic inflammation from our food and environment does nothing in helping our bodies repair themselves. The absence of great nutrition combined with empty calories only expands our waistlines and lead to chronic illness.

Take a moment and inventory your ills. If they have anything to do with pain and/or inflammation I would suggest a great place to start in turning it around would be the empty calories that has invaded your life and taken your health. It may not be the only thing you need to do but it would be a great place to start!


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