Estrogen Dominance in Women and Men Part 1

Super immune system and anti-radiation support

A quiet phenomenon has silently gripped the health of our nation specifically and the world generally. We have been enduring soaring obesity rates, epidemic breast and prostate cancer rates and the increased feminization of men. While no single source for these increases exist several suspects can be easily fingered. Decreased nutrient values of our food, environmental toxins, and seemingly unending stress are all culprits but one cause, in particular, has been a silent plague: estrogen dominance. Seldom mentioned, estrogen dominance has flown under the mainstream radar has a health problem for too long.

What is Estrogen Dominance?

Simply put estrogen dominance is either too much estrogen in the body or the ratio of estrogen to other hormones is out of balance in favor of estrogen. Once this happens all sorts of problems can occur. Excess estrogen (and its mimickers) combines with insulin which can lead to hypoglycemia and increased fat production. In addition to increasing fat production estrogen dominance also negatively impacts thyroid function preventing or decreasing the production of thyroxin and decreases the metabolic rate. It also increases the occurrence of blood clotting, histamine release, aging collagen (makes you look older), development of fibroids, tumors and endometriosis.

How Estrogen Dominance Affects the Body of Girls and Women

It is no longer uncommon for young girls between the ages of 7 and 9 to begin their menstrual cycles. It is no longer uncommon to see young ladies around 14 or 15 years old to have a “developed” look as if they were in their twenties. Women today are suffering from estrogen based breast cancers at younger and younger ages. As if all of this is not enough women tend to retain excess fat and have a more difficult time ridding themselves of it due to the estrogenic interaction with insulin and its impairment of the thyroid gland.

How Estrogen Dominance Affects the Body of Boys and Men

Excess estrogen in boys and men can be equally devastating with long term effects. In boys, the growth, development and function of the testes are stunted (need I say more?). This lowers testosterone production and leads to other chronic conditions later in life. Excess estrogen in men interferes with the production of testosterone and sexual dysfunction rises dramatically. Bone density decreases leading to osteoporosis. Mood among men worsens as testosterone falls and estrogen rises.

Please understand that estrogen is a very important hormone for both men and women. Without it or too little of it can also lead to chronic medical issues but in our current xenoestrogenic environment estrogen dominance is far more likely and must be dealt with.

Part II of this article will address the sources of excess estrogen and some of them may surprise you.

Super immune system and anti-radiation support


Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide. Deepak Chopra, M.D.


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