Cold and Flu Season Advice

Powerful Immune support against the cold and flu 

With our first taste of Fall like weather (a welcome relief for most of us) now is a great time to prepare for the “cold and flu” season. Here are a few ideas for you and your loved ones.

What to Eat

Eating well and proper supplementation is key in helping your body fight the good fight. Unfortunately, we tend to rely or otherwise come into contact with an increased amount of comfort foods during this time of year because of the holidays (and perhaps increased alcohol use, as well, for many different reasons). Nourishing the body now with great all-natural nutritionals that contain vitamins and minerals will help either stave off a cold or assist in recovering from one more quickly. Proper vitamin and mineral levels at the start will assist for a faster finish. The old stand-by vegetables to stick close to would be the green leafy variety (spinach, cabbage, etc.) for their calcium and magnesium. Broccoli and tomatoes are excellent for their antioxidant powers. Carrots help increase the flow of blood and also deliver powerful antioxidants ensuring your entire system gets nourished. Incorporate onions and garlic into your eating plan as often as possible. Bacteria and other pathogens have a tough time against this dynamic duo. If you are interested in powerful liquid nutritionals perhaps you should try a fucoidan based beverage. It nourishes the immune system and could prove very effective in your fight against the ill effects of the flu. Read more about it at


Exercise is an often over looked aspect of cold prevention. Exercise in and of itself is a great detoxifier. Nitric oxide is produced during moderate to strenuous physical activity. This helps to not only keep arteries clear but also helps to remove impurities from the body allowing the immune system to rest and get ready for other potential threats. Getting your heart rate up and maintaining that higher rate for at least twenty minutes could save you days of misery.

Home Remedy

What should you do when you begin to feel the first tell-tale signs of cold or flu like symptoms? Make your own therapeutic syrup! It has been well established that cough syrups, especially for kids, do not work (,2933,181128,00.html). Follow this simple recipe to make a tonic that could stop or shorten your cold or flu symptoms:

•Honey (Unpasteurized to prevent enzyme destruction; usually a locally produced honey will not be pasteurized)

•Fresh garlic juice

•Organic or Natural Black Seed Oil (cold pressed only)

Mix equal parts black seed oil and garlic juice. Add honey to the mix to a consistency you prefer. It is best to mix and consume at the very first hint of trouble to prevent the onset of all the symptoms. It is also a great preventative so if you are prone to colds and flu take a tablespoon or more of this per week to build your immunity. This particular tonic has been used in our household for over a year and has proved to be very effective.

Following these tips could save you from the expense and misery caused by being sick any longer than you have to be, if at all. If you would like more tips or have a more specific concern contact me at Happy cooler temperatures to all!

A word of caution…When reading the article referenced for this report please know that I do not endorse the “alternative” to cough syrup sited in the article. The underlying cause should be addressed and the remedy listed above is one of many great alternatives.

Also, it is typically advisable to not give children under the age of two honey because of a potential allergic reaction to some enzymes found in honey. Consult you Healthcare Practioner before doing so.

Powerful Immune support against the cold and flu


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