The Harvest is in! Here are the tomatoes, peppers and summer squash! (And check out that pile of jalapenos!)

And here are the winter squash and melons!

We feel very blessed! The night before the frost, on a hunch, Brandon went out and covered all the tomatoes. We were very grateful the next day because it snowed and we may have lost most of them to the freeze. We picked them later that night. The green tomatoes will ripen down in our basement and the winter squash will decorate our house for 3-4 weeks until they cure and then we will stick them down in the basement to eat this winter!

Happy Harvest! Canning is almost done! I lost track of how much I've canned, but it's a lot more than I've ever done before! Glad it's about over. Now I can put my life back together and work on posting some of these recipes that I've been creating! :)

Ta ta for now,


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