Delicious Cornmeal Crescent Rolls

I've always been a homemade white roll type of gal. Don't get me wrong. I've made my share of whole-grain rolls and love them a lot. But white rolls have a special place in my heart that just wasn't satisfied by a whole-grain roll....until now. Now don't get your hopes up too high....these aren't 100% whole grain...this isn't quite that perfect of a world. And really they're not that healthy. But I'm posting them on this blog because they are "healthier" than 100% white rolls (thanks to the secret ingredient, cornmeal) and because they really are amazingly tasty things that just speak of homey love and happy families. Indeed, they've snuck into my heart and taken over my "dreamy white roll" spot. And I don't think I'll ever be totally satisfied with a plain white roll again.

They've snuck into quite a few other hearts as well. My family of course - they love me when I make these. But others too...I taught a bread class last week and we made these. Everyone loved them. Also, my husband works with a group of young men ages 12-18 in our church. I make these quite often for them to enjoy after a long, hard bike ride or other strenuous activity. I've had some of those tough boys even come give me a hug over these rolls. Yep, they are heart-winners. This being Valentine's day coming up, you might want to try them out and see if you can win a few hearts as well. :)

Delicious Cornmeal Crescent Rolls
Printable Recipe

*Makes 2 dozen rolls

2 cups milk
2/3 cup yellow corn meal (I use freshly ground popcorn)
½ cup (1 stick) butter
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon salt
3 large eggs
5 ½ – 6 cups flour (or the amount needed to get the correct texture - see explanation below in the directions)
1 ½ tablespoons instant yeast
1/4 Cup melted butter, for brushing on the rolls

On medium heat, heat the milk to just below a boil so bubbles are just appearing around the edges (this is called scalding milk). Add the cornmeal and cook and stir until thickened, lowering the temperature if needed so the mixture doesn't boil. Pour the cornmeal/milk mixture into the bowl of a stand mixer (I use a Bosch). Cut up the butter into 4 or 5 pieces and add to the bowl. Then add the sugar, the salt and the eggs. Add 3 cups of the flour to the bowl and the yeast on top of the flour. Turn on the mixer to a low speed and mix well until combined. Add the flour gradually until dough barely starts to pull away from the sides of the bowl. Turn up the speed of the mixer (I usually do a 3 or 4 speed) and mix for 6 minutes.

Divide the dough into three pieces and roll each into about an 8-10 inch circle. Brush the top lightly with butter. Cut into 8 wedges and roll each wedge up starting from the wide end so it forms a crescent roll shape. Place each roll on a lightly greased or parchment-lined baking sheet. Cover lightly with greased plastic wrap or a thin dishtowel. Let the rolls rise until doubled (about 30-45 minutes). In the winter I sometimes warm  up my oven just barely and let them rise in there a little more quickly.

Bake at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes, until lightly browned.

Recipe Source: Adapted slightly from a recipe from Mel's Kitchen Cafe

*Note: for a double heart-winning experience: try these rolls spread with this yummy pear jam. You won't be disappointed. :)

*For a full-sized Bosch, you can double this recipe so you can freeze some for later…if they last that long…

Linked to: Recipe Box, Mouthwatering Monday, Tasteful Tuesday, Sugar & Spice


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