The Harvest is in!

Well, the frost came. We all knew it inevitably would, but I think I still wasn't completely prepared for it. I still had hopes that the summer would last a little longer... We spent Wednesday night gathering in the harvest and it was wonderful. Here's our final harvest pictures of the year. Don't you just love the colors? Winter squash are so beautiful.The green tomatoes are down in our basement waiting for ripening. The squash are still on our counters - I read that you are supposed to leave them at room temperature for a few weeks to "cure" before you put them in the basement for the winter. We store them in cardboard boxes and will eat them all winter long. Last year we ate our last squash in May! :) I'm looking for some good recipes for green tomatoes (the smaller ones never ripen very nicely) so if you know of any, let me know!


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