100 POSTS!!! And More To Come!

Dear, faithful readers and new visitors!

Since I started blogging about Women's Health & Fertility back in 2008, I didn't realize how much I would enjoy communicating through the huge network that we call the internet! Back then, I thought it would be enough to post general articles regarding infertility and gynecology. At about the same time, I decided to become a volunteer expert on About.com's All Experts Infertility site. There, I began receiving questions from all over the world regarding women's and men's infertility as well as gynecological issues. I had to limit my questions there to five a day because they were coming in too fast, and those who know me know that I like take my time with some questions and be thorough with my answers. To date, I have answered 1,685 questions from around the world.

I soon realized that this may be the way to go with my blog format. I saw that the same problem that plagued a reader in Copenhagen was also relevant to a reader in Australia or here, in the United States. I decided to change my format and began to post Q & A's from my blog readers as well as some of the more interesting ones that I receive on the All Expert's site (always with the person's permission, of course). It is always a pleasure to see where the people who ask me questions come from but more surprising to me, with over 8ooo page views in the last few months alone, where all my visitors come from! Now I am on Twitter, Facebook, and Networked Blogs as well, meeting more people who are involved in the ART field as well as gaining new followers, all of which makes me feel more connected and proud of what I do as an infertility specialist.

Since I added the visitor statistics widget to the blog a few months ago, it's been amazing to see how many people actually visit the blog. (Prior to installing the widget, I thought no one did!) Here are some statistics that might interest you:

My top ten popular blog entries to date:

"Bleeding After Embryo Transfer"
"Secondary Amenorrhea...Low Estrogen?"
"PCOS Patient Beginning IVF Treatment.What Questions Should She Ask Her Doctor?"
"Empty Follicle Syndrome"
"Post IVF Transfer Pain:Implantation Pain or Ectopic?"
"Three Miscarriages and HSG Shows Blocked Tubes"
"Estrogen Supplement For Thin Lining"
"No Period, Low BMI Can Equal Hypoganodotropic Hypogonadism"
"Prolactin Level and Clomid for 30 Year Old TTC'r"
"ELONVA, A New Sustained Follicle Stimulant Just Approved In Europe!"

Recent Visitors From Far & Wide:

Mumbai, India
Perth, Australia
Parma, Italy
Pound Ridge, New York
Gdansk, Poland
Sofia, Bulgaria
Cairo, Egypt
Zagreb, Croatia
Krefeld, Germany
Kamloops, Canada
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Exeter, United Kingdom
Budapest, Hungary
Bursa, Turkey
Sligo, Ireland
Kritianstad, Sweden
Rehovot, Israel

.....To name a few!!! Thank you to all of you for following my blog. I want to commend each and every one of you for taking action with your health issues and for seeking out the right kind of information that will possibly make a difference in your lives and the lives of those whom you love. It is my personal pleasure and privilege to assist you in whatever way I can, given the limits of the written word and the distance from which you communicate.
I am always available to give general responses via this blog & the All Experts Site. I am also available as a Personal Physician Email Consultant for more complicated, in depth responses to your concerns.

Regards to you all,

Edward J. Ramirez, MD, FACOG
The Fertility & Gynecology Center
Monterey Bay IVF


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