Amazingly Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookies

So I mentioned that we are on the look out for more healthier treats lately. Well, I did a big search today to try to find a recipe that my kids would eat for dinner today and I ran across a really neat online column that was written by the "Sneaky Chef." I say "was" because I think she's stopped writing it, but the articles & recipes are still available and she some great ideas for how to add nutrition into meals your kids will eat. That is something that I know I am constantly battling: Do I make meals that are only "adult-friendly" and expect my kids to eat them or do I make separate meals that cater to each person. Well I'm obviously not going for the latter option because that takes way to much time especially when there are multiple children involved with their own set of tastes and "icky" food lists. So I was hoping to find a happy medium where I could make meals that everyone least in my dreams...but I ran across this column and found a lot of great ideas. So I'm happy about that and as an added bonus I found this amazing recipe for chocolate chip cookies that I tried. They were sooo good! My kids and I gobbled them up and if you look at the ingredients they are surprisingly healthy - Beans? Oats? Wheat Flour? Wheat Germ? In cookies? Wow! And they're not your normal "healthy cookies" that taste like "healthy cookies". They are actually really good. Not as sweet as a normal cookie, but that is exactly what I am looking for. Something that still satisfies a "sweet tooth" but doesn't send the kids up to the moon on a rocket ship. ;) Anyway, hope you enjoy them as much as we did.

Here's what my bean puree looked like, in case you were wondering like I was what it was supposed to be like. I used garbanzo beans because it's the only can of white beans I had and my pressure cooker was occupied at the moment. And no, there is no "bean" taste to the cookies. They taste just like cookies, imagine that! :)


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