Welcome To "IComLeavWe" Participants: A Unique Infertility Blog Roll Event!

Welcome to those who are participating in this very interesting Infertility Blogger's event, thanks to the hard work and dedication of Melissa, the author and blogger extraordinaire of "Stirrup Queens". It is the first time that I, an infertility specialist, will be participating in this sort of activity and I'm not quite sure if I am up to it schedule-wise...I am definitely going to have to tackle those comments with my cup of coffee at 6 am! I look forward to visiting many of the blogs listed by Melissa and seeing how infertility has affected so many of you out there.

I hope you won't mind if I quote some of you from time to time on my Facebook page (Edward J Ramirez) or our center's Facebook fan page (Monterey Bay IVF) simply to give inspiration and support to all the other women & men out there who are struggling along with you in their family building quest. I invite you to follow me here & on Facebook, where there is almost daily posting and links to relevant information regarding reproductive endocrinology and assisted reproductive technologies.

I also hope that you find my blog interesting. It is largely made up of questions and answers from patients all over the world. I receive many in my role as an infertility specialist volunteer advisor on the About.com's All Expert's site and some of the more interesting ones (that are not designated private) are published here. As you can see, some things in the IF field are the same and some aspects, especially concerning treatment protocol, can be very different between countries, clinics and cultures. Scroll down to the index to find the topic that interests you or concerns you most!

For those of you who don't have the slightest idea of what I am talking about, simply click on the blue link at the top right corner of my blog page and it will take you to the Stirrup Queen's site (or www.stirrup-queens.com/2008/06/icomleavwe ), where you will see many other blogs about infertility that you might like to visit.

Thank you for taking the time to visit and good luck to all of you!

Edward J. Ramirez, MD


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