Garden Plan & Seeds Ordered

TA DA!! Here's our family garden plan for 2011!

And below are the Seeds I ordered for next year's garden. I ordered from Stokes again - I've had good experience with them. Most of these varieties I have tried before and they are really good. I still have some seeds left over from last year that I'll be using this year (if you notice there are some missing on the list). I decided that this year I'll be buying the tomato and pepper starts from our local greenhouse. I've grown them from seed in the past, but I'm a little late getting started this year so I'll just buy them. And note that this garden plan is definitely in pencil so I can adjust varieties when it's time to plant.

Sugar Snax 54 (Carrot/Nantes x Imperator)

Large White Ribbed (Swiss chard)

Paycheck Squash

Sunray (Squash/summer)

Heavenly Hubbard (Squash)

Sunshine (Squash/buttercup)

Pioneer (Cucumber/pickling)

Sweet Slice Hyb (Cucumber/slicing)

Chippawa (corn)

Luscious (corn)

Primo (Muskmelon/cantaloupe)

Happy Gardening! Can't wait for spring!!


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