How does your garden grow?

Well ours doesn't grow yet of course - because it's the middle of winter here. But not too early for me to start planning for April & May! Maybe even March if the ground hog is right! (not everything in March, mind you but the cold weather crops).

Here are some posts that I did last year about gardening that may be helpful if you are in the planning mode.

Gardening Series Post 1

Gardening Series Post 2

Gardening Series Post 3

I plan to continue this series, since I never finished it last year so be looking for that. This week I'm buying my seeds and planning our garden. And speaking of gardens...

Yesterday my sweet husband brought me these - just out of the blue, for no real reason. He knows how much I love fresh flowers on a cold, winter day. It brightens me like nothing else (not even chocolate!!). It gives me hope that spring will come! Thank you sweetie! You are the BEST!


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