Family Sized Apple Puffy Oven Pancakes

I posted this few-serving puffy oven pancake recipe a while back, that we love and make all the time. My husband made it this morning using a super-family-sized variation and it was so good I have to share it with you. If you like breakfast for dinner, this is really good!!

Apple Puffy Oven Pancake {Family Sized}
Printable Recipe

1 cube butter
8 large eggs
2 C. wonder or whole-wheat flour
2 C. milk
1 tsp. salt
1/3-1/2 C. packed brown sugar OR 1/4 C. agave or honey
1 tsp. cinnamon
3 apples, sliced thin (okay to leave skins on) - or you can used sliced peaches

Heat oven to 400 F. Melt butter in 9x13" caserole dish, in oven; Spread butter to cover sides. Sprinkle 1/3-1/2 C. packed brown sugar (or for sugar free use 1/4 C. agave nectar or honey) and 1 tsp. cinnamon evenly over melted margarine in casserole dish Arrange thinly sliced peeled baking apples (or sliced peaches) over sugar. Beat eggs slightly in medium bowl with wire whisk or hand beater. Beat in flour, milk and salt just until mixed (do not over beat). Pour into casserole dish. Bake at 400 F for 40-45 min or until puffy and deep golden brown. Serve immediately.

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