Melt Down Dinner Moments

I have a confession to make. Some days I dread dinner time. I think I've got breakfast and lunch figured out, but some days dinner is just - AAaah! The problem is that it's hard to please everyone. The kids are happy if what we have involves plain pasta that they can put plain tomato sauce on (like out of a can - no flavor at all). Of course for the adults that just doesn't cut it. I get tired of hearing "What are we having for dinner?" especially when I don't know! I've only got a handful of meals that my kids are happy with. We've tried the whole "eat that or else" approach and it's just another battle to deal with. Some days we don't need any more battles if you know what I mean. Well today was one of those days. You probably guessed from the tone of this post. It was actually C's day to make dinner which usually means he makes a pot of pasta and a can of tomato sauce and something for the adults to put on their pasta and maybe a veggie or two. It gets old, believe me! :/ I wasn't going to do it today especially since we've had pasta every night this week thus far. So I put my foot down. Of course as a result I ended up making dinner. Well breakfast is always a winner, right? Here's what I made - I'm sharing in case you're having one of those melt-down dinner moments like I had earlier today.

The first recipe comes from my dear sister-in-law Lisa. Thanks Lisa, you saved the day. These were so easy and delicious. I used wonder flour for the flour and it worked great! Everybody liked them. They were especially good with my mother-in-law's homemade mixed berry jam. :)
Butter a large cookie sheet.

6 Eggs (Beat Well. Then add to the whipped eggs.)
1c Milk
1c Flour
1/2tsp Salt

Mix well. Pour batter onto the buttered cookie sheet. Bake at 450 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Serve with maple syrup.
The side dish was cottage fried potatoes that I posted here. I love that recipe. It comes from a dear friend and I've used many of her recipes when I'm having a melt-down dinner moment.

What about you? What do you make when your having a melt-down dinner moment? What recipes are your kid's favorites?


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