Formaldehyde is not for the Living: Part 2

Flawless cosmetics without poisonous ingredients

Formaldehyde is an extremely nasty substance. At just 0.1 parts per million, which is not very much, it can cause eye irritation and significant breathing problems. If a person is asthmatic formaldehyde can be a nightmare triggering an asthma response without ever being fingered as the culprit. Continued exposure has caused cancer in animals and has long been regarded to cause cancer in humans. Studies of mortuary workers have revealed an increase in rare nasal cancers after being exposed to high levels of formaldehyde.
Does anyone remember the FEMA trailers used after Hurricane Katrina? After many complaints and hospitalizations of the occupants the trailers were all but abandoned with some choosing to live on the street instead of the trailers. Why? Formaldehyde was making the people sick causing a plethora of medical conditions. If the hurricane didn’t get them then the formaldehyde did.

The Chemical Industry
As you can imagine the chemical industry is incensed. There is nothing wrong with formaldehyde they say. This will cost American jobs they say. The science does not bear out the findings they say. Interestingly in 1999 the Canadian government, using science, labeled formaldehyde a toxic substance. And to this date many European nations have completely banned the use of formaldehyde based on scientific studies. It seems the only science the chemical industry likes is their own manipulated version (which is not science) with all other science being wrong. As far as jobs are concerned the job market in the European nations did not collapse do to the banning of this toxin.

Reducing exposure
There isn’t much a person can do about their work environment or the home that is already built. However, what follows are some things you can do now and in the future to avoid formaldehyde:
1. Avoid all personal care products that contain formaldehyde. Look at nail polish and any other nail care product. Also pay attention to all hair treatments and conditioners.
2. If you are having a new home built be sure the material used are labeled as U.L.E.F. (ultra-low-emitting formaldehyde), N.A.F. (no added formaldehyde) or C.A.R.B. (California Air Resources Board) Phase 1 or Phase 2 compliant.
3. Ventilate new cars as much as possible. This will assist in ridding the car of excessive formaldehyde accumulation do to off-gassing. New car smell is hazardous to one’s health.

We should be encouraged by our government finally stepping up on behalf of ‘we the people’. I would not be surprised one bit, though, if the government bends to the will of the chemical industry in the name of profit and recants its position. Regardless, we now know what most of the world as known for some time. Go in good health and prosperity.

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Flawless cosmetics without poisonous ingredients


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