Red Quinoa Recipes

This morning I got up at 4:30 a.m. because I couldn't sleep and read until 6:30. Then I ran 3 miles with my good friend and running partner Jenna. Next I ate breakfast (grapefruit and yummy quinoa cereal) and got my first grader off to "character day" at school. Last minute he wanted me to walk him so I threw on a hat (to cover my sweaty hair) and a long coat that would cover my bleach-stained running pants and sweaty clothes. In our haste, my 4-year-old ran into a wall and got a bruise over his yeah! We're off to a rolling start with this day!

Here's my cute "character" reading his book - they had to choose a character from a book to dress up as. True to his form, he chose a T-rex from a non-fiction dinosaur book.

I hope you're enjoying this week's new food: red quinoa! Here's some more tasty recipes I've made using this wonderful grain:

Red Quinoa Vegetable Lasagna
Rigatoni Pressure Cooker Meal

And I found a few more yummy ones on Pinterest! Drool away with me!

Quinoa Granola

Red Quinoa With Roasted Winter Vegetables and Pesto

Warm and Nutty Cinnamon Quinoa

Red Quinoa Apple & Cranberry Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting

Linked to Friday Favorite Finds


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