Red Quinoa Pressure Cooker Breakfast Cereal

My four-year-old boy loves this cereal! He asked me just yesterday if I would make "the kind of oatmeal that I like best." Little does he know there's not a spec of oats in it! But I agree - it's one of the best cereals I've ever tasted!

Red Quinoa Pressure Cooker Breakfast Cereal

*Note: If you don't have a pressure cooker, you can make it on the stove or in your rice cooker - just cook it like you would brown rice.

*Serves: 6-8

2 Cups brown rice
1 Cup red quinoa
5-1/2 Cups of water
1 tsp. salt
1/3 Cup coconut oil
1/4 Cup Xagave
Berries or cut up fruit, optional
Cream, milk or half-n-half, optional

Add brown rice, red quinoa, water, and salt to your electric pressure cooker. Cook on high pressure for 12 minutes. Let pressure drop naturally or use the quick release method. When pressure has dropped, open and add coconut oil and Xagave. Taste and add more coconut oil and/or Xagave to taste, if needed. Serve with fresh fruit (I like it plain or with cut up peaches or berries) and your choice of cream, half-n-half or milk (cream or half-n-half is delicious, but I usually just eat it with milk).

Recipe Source: Adapted Slightly from Chef Brad Website

For more pressure cooker recipes see my pressure cooker recipe page. Or follow my pressure cooker board on pinterest.

Linked to: Tasty Tuesday and Whole Foods Wednesday


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