Spelt Recipes

Well looky here! We have new life! My basil and onion seeds (respectively) have sprouted! 
I moved them from beside the heater vent to a sunny window and they love it!

It's funny how little things like seeds sprouting can brighten your day! Sometimes the winter seems awfully dreary, but plants are one of those things that bring life and light to those dark days.

We had a lovely valentine's day yesterday. I hope you all did also. We ate at home - fancied up our meal a bit for the occasion. We had sweet pork on hamburger buns, roasted garlic and rosemary potatoes, fresh pineapple and a delicious pineapple drink that my husband came up with using the pineapple core. It was delicious. I have a little perfecting to do to the sweet pork recipe - I tried it in the electric pressure cooker for the first time and it turned out really good! Just a bit runnier than it is in the crock pot. So I'll thicken it up for next time and post the improved recipe when I do!

But for today, I want to share with you some wonderful recipes that I found using spelt. These give you an idea of how many things you can use spelt in - it really is a fabulous grain! 

Carrot Raisin Spelt Berry Salad with Cumin and Cilantro
Source: ohsheglows.com via Jessica on Pinterest

Spelt Crepes

Spelt Salad
Source: ohsheglows.com via Caz on Pinterest

Chickpea, Tomato, and Spelt Soup

Banana Spelt Muffins
Source: fannetasticfood.com via The on Pinterest

Spelt Salad with White Beans and Artichokes
Source: cookinglight.com via Jenifer on Pinterest

Spelt Banana Bread

As you can see - there are so many things you can include spelt in! It makes the food taste wonderful and adds nutrition! Hurrah for spelt!

Linked to: Friday Favorite Finds


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