Frugal Friday: Frugal, Healthy Snacks

If your kids are like mine, snacks are a necessity to have around. It seems like the kids are always hungry and it's easy to fall into the rut of buying prepackaged snacks or cold cereal to satisfy them. Not only does that rack up the grocery bill (No matter how many coupons you use!), it's also not healthy (no matter how many whole grains or low calories they claim to have). Here's a list of some frugal, healthy snack ideas that cost less and are made of real food.

  1. Healthier microwave popcorn and healthier popcorn toppings - Quick to make, frugal and healthy!

  2. Granola or Granola Bars - Easy to make, frugal, tasty and healthier!

  3. Fresh Fruit - Buy fruit in season and leave it out on the counter tops and watch it disappear...

  4. Dried fruit and fruit leathers - raisins, cranberries, apples, pears, apricots, peaches. Buy them on sale or dehydrate your own.

  5. Homemade Pop Tarts - these are fun to make with your kids. You can double the recipe and freeze them to have on hand.

  6. Homemade Wheat Thins Crackers - these are so good! Watch my video demonstration for an even easier method of making them.

  7. Chips & Salsa - Make your own healthier chips in the oven by cutting up tortillas, spraying them with oil and baking in a 400 degree oven for 8-10 minutes or until crispy!

  8. Homemade Yogurt or a yogurt smoothie - add your own fresh fruit, jams or jellies to flavor plain yogurt. We like to freeze yogurt smoothies to have on hand when the kids want one. We just un-thaw them a few seconds in the microwave and they love em!

  9. Hard boiled eggs - eggs are high in protein and very filling. Good for kid's snack. Here's a quick and easy way you can cook them in a pressure cooker so they come out perfect every time.

  10. Homemade corn nuts - Here's a recipe to make it in oil, which isn't the healthiest (but healthier if you use a good oil for you). I've also made them in the oven and the kids loved them. Look for my recipe in the near future as it's still being perfected...

  11. Muffins - Great to make in bulk and freeze for quick snacks. There are so many different kinds out there. See my breakfast recipes page for a list of our favorites

  12. Waffles - make a big batch of waffles and freeze them. The kids can pull them out and pop them in the toaster when they're hungry.

  13. Homemade Bread  - this was my favorite snack growing up and probably still is. We love eating it warm out of the oven, but it's also great frozen and un-thawed. It makes the best cinnamon toast. Mmmhh!

  14. Bagels - also freeze great, tasty, and easy to make.

  15. Homemade Tortillas - great to make burritos, quesadillas, etc. Eat now or freeze for later.
For more frugal, healthy snack ideas, see my snack recipes board on pinterest. If you have any more ideas, leave me a comment! I'd love to add them to the list!

Linked to: Frugal Friday


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