One Tiny Gland, One Big Problem - Prostate Health Part 1

Advanced Omega 3 Support

Prostate health is a matter of great importance these days with more and more men suffering from prostate issues and more and more women having to help take care of them. It used to be that most men did not have to worry about prostate health until well into their 50’s. Now, adverse prostate conditions are occurring in men as young as 20 years old. In the United States alone 165,000 men suffer from prostate cancer annually with 35,000 of them passing away because of it. So now is the time to really start paying attention to what is happening to our bodies and deal with prostate health issues head on or do what is necessary to avoid them all together.

Symptoms of prostate trouble can show up at any time. Weak or interrupted urine flow is often one of the first symptoms experienced. This troubling sign is more than a mere inconvenience. It disallows for full bladder relief which causes a person to make several trips to the bathroom. It is not uncommon for some men to have to get out of bed several times a night in order to use the rest room. A disturbing fact of frequent night time bathroom use is that it totally disrupts the sleep cycle adding to the body’s inability to heal or repair itself while compounding the prostate issue. Other signs of prostate trouble are continuous pain in the lower back, pelvis and/or the upper thighs.

Next week we will take a look at some specific risk factors and unhealthy habits that lead to chronic prostate problems.

Advanced Omega 3 Support


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