One Tiny Gland, One Big Problem - Prostate Health Part 4

Powerful Essential Fatty Acids to Reduce Inflammation and Support the Body

A sure bet about the average western diet is that it is woefully devoid of most of the nutrients we need to sustain a healthy lifestyle. The lack of nutrients deteriorates our body and causes organ and glandular failure including failure of the prostate. Due to the inadequacies of our diets supplementation becomes very important. To follow is a list of important nutrients to supplement your diet with if you want to maintain the condition of your prostate or begin to reverse negative prostate conditions.

• Vitamin C – A major component of the prostate gland Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps to boost immune function in the prostate

• Vitamin E – Vitamin E is also an important antioxidant that helps to stabilize prostate tissue

• Zinc – Zinc helps to metabolize (form) new prostate tissue should it become damaged or worn. Zinc also helps to sterilize the prostate

*Vitamin C and E along with Zinc are found in high abundance in healthy prostates. These three nutrients specifically also help to increase the amount of seminal fluid produced by the prostate gland

• Magnesium – a magnesium deficiency in the body leads to organ and glandular failure. The western diet is notably void of magnesium and should be considered as a part of a healthy organ and prostate regimen

• B Vitamins – Not only are B Vitamins awesome sources of energy but they also help to metabolize proteins into amino acids that can be utilized as building blocks to repair or regenerate damaged, worn, or lost tissue

• Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) – Also known as Omega’s (Omega 3, Omega 6, Omega 9, etc.) these fatty acids are found in abundance in healthy prostate glands considering the prostate is a fatty glandular organ. EFA’s have been shown to reduce blood clotting associated with cancer in the prostate to prevent the spreading of the tumor. Again, western diets tend to be void of Omega 3’s in particular (we usually get plenty of the other Omega’s) so supplementation becomes imperative

• Saw Palmetto – Saw Palmetto has been proven to reduce prostate swelling, reduces testosterone conversion (important for healthy prostates), and increase blood flow through the prostate bringing rich oxygen levels to the gland preventing or reducing infections and cancers. Saw palmetto berry has been shown to be 3 times more effective than Proscar (a leading prescription prostate drug)

The fifth and final article relating to prostate health will cover some additional therapies and recommendations to conclude this overarching series.

If you are in the market for a super concentrated, all-natural, purified Omega 3 (EFA) that is derived from three different sea based sources consider Supra Omega 3 ( It has no mercury and is extremely bioavailable for easy absorption.

Powerful Essential Fatty Acids to Reduce Inflammation and Support the Body


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