Delicious Strawberry Lush with Whole Grain Crust

Well you just can't talk about strawberries without talking about all the yummy desserts you can make with them. After making this the other day, I said to Brandon, "I can't make this again for a long time." Because I eat it. And not just a's so good...

I probably justify it to myself by saying, it's semi-good for me...because it DOES have a whole grain crust! But...since it's only "semi" good for you...and that will probably be a stretch when you see the other's really not something you want to make every day. Darn it!

But, it would be perfect for a Mother's Day dessert. And Mother's day is coming up in a few weeks...Hint, Hint Brandon if you are reading this! ;) So I'll share it with you in case you want to drop a few hints of your own...or make it for yourself...

If you read my previous post on Chocolate Lush, you might think this one sounds very familiar. Probably because it is very similar. But, like I said, I have healthified the recipe a bit to ease your conscience a little and I think it tastes better this way anyway.

And just a note for all you GFers - my Dad included. Yeah, Dad this is for you. This would be a great  Mother's day dessert to make Mom. And do you know what makes it even more nice? You can eat it too and you only have to change one ingredient: the flour in the crust. Instead of Wonder Flour (which does have gluten in it), you can try oat flour or brown rice flour or a combo of the two or any other GF flour that suits you.

Strawberry Lush with Whole Grain Crust
Printable Recipe

*NOTE: This dessert is put together in 5 layers.

*Serves 12-15

2 Cups Wonder Flour
3/4 Cup butter
1 Cup chopped walnuts
1 8-oz. pkg. cream cheese
1 Cup powdered sugar
1 8-oz. Carton Cool Whip, divided
2 small packages instant vanilla pudding
3 Cups milk (whole is best)
8 oz. fresh ripe strawberries

Crust Layer: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a medium bowl, mix together the Wonder Flour, butter and chopped walnuts with a fork. Spread in a 9 x 13" ungreased pan. Bake 15 minutes in preheated oven. Let cool completely before adding the next two layers.

Cream Cheese Layer: In a large bowl, mix together cream cheese, powdered sugar and 1 Cup Cool Whip with an electric mixer until smooth and spreadable. Layer on top of cooled crust.

Pudding layer: In a large bowl, add vanilla pudding packages and milk. Using an electric mixer, beat on high for 3 minutes, scraping the sides of the bowl often. Then spread pudding layer on top of cream cheese layer.

Cool Whip Layer: Spread the remaining Cool Whip onto the top of the pudding layer.

Strawberry Layer: Wash and slice the strawberries in thin slices and arrange on top of the Cool Whip layer.

Chill strawberry lush until ready to serve.

Eat up and enjoy! I love strawberry season, don't you? I can't wait till we get some in the garden - we've got lots of flowers right now!

And here's a sneak peak and one of my latest projects in the works - updating the strawberry covering from the stuff on the back (just chicken wire) to a little fence like you see in the front. It's not all the way done yet as you can see, but I'm excited about it.


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