Thoughtfulhealth Product Review: SiselLean Protein/Weight Management Shake

When it comes to protein shakes it is certain that not all are created equal. In fact most protein/weight management shakes are filled with incredibly toxic and inflammation causing ingredients. It has been my observation that most people consuming these protein products are in one way or another health conscious. Whether you endeavor to lose weight or pack on extra muscle ultimately your health is affected.

Personally I fill that whatever your intentions for consuming protein shakes it should not cause you harm. If you are currently consuming a protein shake let's take a look at a few of the readily available ingredients you would find in most "off-the-shelf" products.

  • Whey protein: Derived from dairy sources that are usually laced with hormones, pesticides and antibiotics. To add insult there are only two to three companies out there that actually removes the lactose for our lactose intolerant friends. Ouch!
  • Isolates (soy, whey, etc): Proudly displayed on the packaging but the truth is they most companies use cheap fillers that have chemical toxins associated with them increasing inflammation and acidity in the body.
  • Artificial sweeteners (sucralose, splenda, aspartame,acesulfame potassiun etc.): Drives up insulin levels in the body increasing sensitivity which leads to fat storage, slows liver function which can lead to weight gain over the long run, causes inflammation in the body increasing water and sodium retention that can lead to hypertension.
  • Maltodextrin: Generally used as a sweetener there is a 95% chance that it is genetically modified and is more than likely one of 4 to 5 sugars on the label!Not all maltodextrin is used as a sweetner, however. Some products use it as a source of fiber. Knowing how the company sources their maltodextrin is important.
  • GMO's: More and more evidence is mounting that products containing GMO's cause serious adverse health events. Most manufacturers will use GMO ingredients because they are cheap but while the cost to you in the near term is less the long term cost could be downright devastating!

Why I like SiselLean

I have consumed SisleLean for almost two years now and I am thoroughly convinced that it has helped me maintain a body weight and level of health and vitality I did not previously have. With proper eating habits, moderate exercise and supplementing 1 or 2 meals per day I have not had any trouble losing over 30 lbs and keeping it off. The shake is delicious without being chalky and I can feel the energy provided by the vitamins and minerals. I will discuss a few of the key ingredients to give you an idea of why I have experienced my results.

Three Quality Proteins

Whey Protein: SiselLean contains whey protein but in the right way. The protein is sourced from all natural milk (no hormones or antibiotics). Also, all the lactose is removed for those of us who are lactose intolerant. It is cold processed so the protein is not denatured making it readily available for assimilation by the body without creating inflammation. Pea and chia proteins are also used because they are easily assimilated by the body combining with the whey to ensure extensive bioavailabilty for a wide range of people.

Vitamins and Minerals

Another aspect of this shake I like very much is the vitamins and minerals it packs. Most protein shakes on the market use cheap synthetic vitamins and minerals that are usually not absorbed by the body. In fact, they usually go unrecognized which triggers an immune response. Now you have increased your level of inflammation and given the immune system extra duty! Not so with SiselLean. All of the ingredients including the vitamins and minerals are all natural (no synthetics here). In addition, the amount of protein per scoop is within normal protein consumption range for the average person. What these two things mean is you will not be causing inflammation in the body with this product. Inflammation is a key factor in weight gain and almost all chronic illnesses. In addition, there is no soy and no GMO ingredient whatsover. With over 60 vitamins and minerals to include B vitamin complex I am left energized and ready to tackle the day.  

There is so much more to this shake but I don't want to ramble on. Check out this link for more information and if you decide to order this awesome shake please know that it is not necessary to autoship your purchase. You can order as you please when you please if you opt to do so.

All natural. 74 calories per scoop. Powerful nutrition. $50 bucks for a one month supply. Score!

For additional helpful tips regarding protein follow the link provided:


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