Dinner Cooked By Chef Brad

A few weeks ago my uncle, Chef Brad was in town and cooked us dinner. You haven't lived until you've had dinner cooked by Chef Brad! He is amazing. Anyway, here's the recipe he cooked. You can find it and lots more on his website (he's just updated and improved it and it's wonderful). One of the greatest things about this recipe is how fast and simple it is to make. We watched him make it and it was amazing how fast he made it in the Cuisinart Pressure Cooker. That performance was all it took to convince Brandon and guess what he is giving me for our eighth-year wedding anniversary present? That's right! A Cuisinart! It should arrive tomorrow or Monday. I'm excited. If you plan on buying one, buy it Here and Chef Brad will include his pressure cooker cookbook! By the way, you can make this recipe without the pressure cooker, but in the pressure cooker it's faster, better flavor and better for you! Enjoy!


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