Trying for Pregnancy. . . Thank You! Success at last!

QUESTION: I have been trying to get pregnant for 7months. My period is regular every 26 days. Ultrasound and sperm tests indicate normalcy. I was given Clostilbegyt 50mg to take on day 2-6 and Provera for 10 days fron day 16. Does this sound correct? Won't Provera induce a period and stop me from getting pregnent. Oh I'm 33.

ANSWER: Hello, 
I hate to see these type of questions because it shows that the doctor you are seeing is not treating you appropriately. Have you had all the infertility testing done? Hysterosalpingogram, Hormone testing, Hysteroscopy, Laparaoscopy, Midluteal phase progesterone level. If not, then you shouldn't be jumping to Clomiphene. For one, if you have regular periods, ovulation is not the problem, although you may have a hormone problem as manifest by a short menstrual cycle. The only other reason is to try "something" since there doesn't seem to be a reason for your infertility. Many general docs give Clomid because they can, and not for any good reason, thinking that because it is a "fertility drug" it will help you to get pregnant. That is incorrect thinking. It should only be used for a specific reason i.e. it is treating a specific disorder. 
Technically, if you are under 35 years old, you would not be considered to have an infertility problem yet, because you have only been trying for 7 months. We don't consider a person to have an infertility problem until they have not been able to become pregnant for over one year. If you are over 35 then we shorten that time line. In women under 35 years old, it takes 8-12 months for the majority to achieve pregnancy naturally. So you may just need to keep trying on your own for a while longer. If your cycles are 26 days, then you are ovulating around day # 12, so you should start having intercourse on day # 10 for 5 consecutive days. 
Provera is not used with fertility because it is a "synthetic" progeterone. We only use natural progesterones like Prometrium, Endometrin, Progesterone in oil, when augmenting the luteal phase for fertility treatments. That is what me suspect that your doc doesn't have all the knowledge required for your treatment.
Edward J. Ramirez, M.D., FACOG
Executive Medical Director
The Fertility and Gynecology Center
Monterey Bay IVF Program
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Great news, I am now 6 weeks pregnant after following your advice. However, before I got pregnant I had a yeast infection for almost three months. My doctor gave me Canesten tablets and inserts and that did not work.It eased the symptoms for two days and then they returned. She then gave me Flagyl tablets for both my husband and I for ten and five days respectively ( 3 tabs per day). I was also given Klion to insert every night for ten days. That last dose of medication was a nightmare as it caused severe pain and irritation, I stopped after five days. Now I'm still having some irrtiation and itching and extremely painful sex on penetration and afterwards. My new doc gave me Travogen cream and it has helped a little with the itching but sex is still painful. Is this normal? Is it that I may have something more serious? Can this affect my pregnancy? I'm really worried.... please advise me!

Hello Rhonda from Trinidad-Tobago,
Congratulations!!! :) :)
If you have symptoms, then you need to be checked and have cultures done. It may be a simple yeast infection that can be treated easily, or something else. Don't go the trial and error route like your doctor did previously. Have the cultures done so that he/she knows exactly what to treat, especially since you are pregnant. There are some medications that you don't want to take at this time. Sex should not be painful, but since you are newly pregnant, you might want to avoid sex until you are further along (12 weeks gestational age).
Edward J. Ramirez, M.D., FACOG
Executive Medical Director
The Fertility and Gynecology Center
Monterey Bay IVF Program


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