A lot going on!

Well I think it's finally summer here! It's been the strangest spring - unusually cold and wet, so I'm excited that things are finally warming up. We've been picking peas this week - today I pick a huge bucket full! Fresh peas, yum! Here's some pics of our garden right now:

This shows the corn - we planted 3 rows at first and then 3 more rows two weeks later. We staggered it so we don't have all of our corn coming on all at once.

Everything is growing nicely!

We built a little fenced-in yard for the chickens:
They just fly right over the fence and come poop on our porch. The black and orange one should be called "Houdini" - it even manages to get out of the coop when the door is latched and everything! I haven't seen how it does it yet. I think I'm about ready to clip their wings.

I don't think I've ever posted a picture of our new orchard that we planted:
Some of the trees are bigger than others. The 3 larger trees near the brown fence we planted 3 years ago. The other 5 trees we planted in November of last year. We have a total of 4 peach trees, 3 pear trees and 2 apples (there is another pear tree planted up near the front yard). We have about 6-8 peaches on the largest tree that you see in the picture! We're excited to get a few peaches this year!

I spent the day yesterday canning beans:

What a job! But they are yummy! And it's nice having several bottles on hand for when I need a "quick meal!"

Our flowers are beautiful right now - This is our Clematis - isn't it gorgeous?Our rose bushes have never looked better - they loved the extra rain they got this year and I fed them a little better as well!
And finally here is the newest member of our family - meet Cheep-y! Curious George named it - it is a sweet little fellow.
It's good to have another little pet for the boys to love!


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